Ground Chicken & Spinach Lasagna

It’s Tasty Tuesday! This Tuesday we have this tasty Lasagna!! This in one of my best so far! It’s layered with ground chicken and heavy on the spinach. It looks and is quite tasty. 🤤 are you hungry yet? I think this recipe is perfect for a Sunday dinner or during the week. It wouldContinueContinue reading “Ground Chicken & Spinach Lasagna”

To Wash or Not to Wash Fruits and Vegetables During COVID-19!

Take my concerns about fruits and vegetables being clean and then add COVID-19 to the equation and it’s no joke. When the pandemic first started we would multiple our washing and cleaning of fruits and vegetables by 10. I researched information from the CDC on if there were any dangers with food and though they stated that there was none identified, I still used caution because there were and still is a lot of unknowns related to COVID-19.

Doctors Advise Parents to Worry About the Flu | Parenting |

Professionals say parents should be more concerned about the flu than coronavirus. — Read on–doctors-te

Summer Learning

We are continuing that through the summer with one 15-30 minute session in the morning and one in the afternoon. Sessions include reading, math, Spanish, science, social studies, visits to the library and arts and crafts.

My Blessings

 I hope you and yours are having an awesome Sunday. .I am not an over sharer of information but I am having a revaluation day. You see before you a mom of a 27 year old and a 5 year old that she never thought she would have been blessed to have in her life.ContinueContinue reading “My Blessings”

What a Week!!

Have a great weekend!!!!!! It’s been one of those weeks!!!! . I got sick on Sunday after running my body into the ground over the weekend😢 🤧The challenge of being a GenMom with kids generations apart has its peaks and valleys❤️✨ . . Our daughter @satkinsongrier came home for a layover on her way toContinueContinue reading “What a Week!!”

Happy Mother’s Day

My Heartbeats  Motherhood is not for the faint of heart or if you need sleep to survive. The journey to motherhood is easy for some and others walk through broken glass and lava to get there. Then you are blessed and you have nine months and some less of your body turning against you mostContinueContinue reading “Happy Mother’s Day”