Parenting Through Quarantine

It’s all fun, games and tons of laughs until you remember that you are now Mom, Teacher, Computer Technician, Homemaker, Full Time Chef, Stuffed Animal Wrangler, Lego pieces and train track finder.

8 Online Learning Resources for Kids During the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Outbreak!

8 Online Learning Resources for Kids During the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Outbreak! In these uncertain times we are all having to adjust our lives and thinking around our family’s safety, our children’s continued learning and what we do individually to support what is occurring with the corona virus pandemic.

Doctors Advise Parents to Worry About the Flu | Parenting |

Professionals say parents should be more concerned about the flu than coronavirus. — Read on–doctors-te

Positive Parenting Toolbox- “The Fruits of the Spirit”

I feel we all try to make sure that we are exhibiting positive parentings skills and get as much as we can in that positive parenting toolbox.

Managing My Son's Food Allergies at Home and Away

“I’m just hungry, can we just stop at every restaurant and ask if they have gluten-free foods”…this is going to be hard and I’m struggling but this will work out. It has to work out because there is no bypass allergy button. Wish me luck in this journey!

Managing My Son’s Food Allergies at Home and Away

“I’m just hungry, can we just stop at every restaurant and ask if they have gluten-free foods”…this is going to be hard and I’m struggling but this will work out. It has to work out because there is no bypass allergy button. Wish me luck in this journey!

YMCA Water Safety and Drowning Prevention

YMCA South Florida Water Safety and Drowning Prevention efforts highlighted through their Mommy Bloggers Influencer Event.

Homework Chronicles

This Super Hero Right Here! So proud of this young man. He received his results back from his 5 Assessment Tests and scored 100% for all of them. Yahoo!!!! He has been doing extremely well all year and closing out the school year in the same way. We have always taken a deliberate approach atContinueContinue reading “Homework Chronicles”