Summer Apps and Tablet Chronicles

Since we are destined to tow around the tablet wherever we go over the summer I plan on it being multi functional.

RJ Crushed Kindergarten

RJ’s Kindergarten Year has come to an end and we are beyond proud of how much he has grown, learned and enjoyed his time as Kindergartner. We are very proud of our little CEO for his awards and acknowledgement for his hard work and passion for learning. What a fantastic year of learning, making newContinueContinue reading “RJ Crushed Kindergarten”

Homework Chronicles

This Super Hero Right Here! So proud of this young man. He received his results back from his 5 Assessment Tests and scored 100% for all of them. Yahoo!!!! He has been doing extremely well all year and closing out the school year in the same way. We have always taken a deliberate approach atContinueContinue reading “Homework Chronicles”