Here’s 4 Self-Care Sunday Tips for Under $20

Self care should really be done every day day but in reality, we have to build in time into our schedules to take care of ourselves without feeling guilty and regretting that we didn’t get other tasks done.

I’m trying to get better at taking care of myself so today I’m dedicating some well needed time to pampering myself. Before the pandemic I was able to get my nails done every few weeks and it was a great escape.  It’s great to have some time to melt away into a state of relaxation and serenity. The hours of solitude is rejuvenating and I really want to go back to being pampered. Well with our current state of COVID cases still increasing in our area I am  not taking any chances. In the current situation and  not going out to get a manicure or pedicure it’s has been really tough not having time so self care. With everyone at home its hard to do these self care treatments during the day with a little one in virtual school so I either schedule it for the first part of my morning before he is up or I do it once he is asleep.

Here are some of my favorite self care treatments that I will do at home. I love these because they can easily be done at home and do not take a lot of time. All of the self-care treatments and tips below can be done on a budget, at home and can usually be done in under 30 minutes.

4 Tips Self Care Beauty Tips for Under $20 

  1. At Home Yoga and Meditation – Grab a towel or yoga mat and settle in on the floor. Download a meditation app on your phone or put on your favorite soothing or meditation sounds. 
  2. Relaxing Bubble Bath – Grab some bath salts and scented candles and set up a relaxing bath. Set you favorite songs on repeat and let the warmth of the water and serenity take you away.
  3. At Home Facial and Face Mask – Time to detoxify your pores and exfoliate your skin to brighten your glow. Grab your facial mask, cleansing brush and facial cleanser and get to glowing. (The eye gel brand in the photo is  Acure
  4. Mani and Pedi – Clean your cuticles, grab your favorite colors and give yourself a fresh set. Whether it’s nail polish, press on mani sets or cuticle trimmers and nail polish remover.

    Schedule some time to treat yourself to one of the tips above to help you unwind.  Some of the items can be found at the Dollar Tree or items you already have around the house. It’s amazing how many items you can find at the Dollar Tree. Whether its scented candles, nail and facial care, bath salts or lights you can definitely pull off all of the suggestions for under $20.  Swipe through to see some of my favorite self care treatments. 

What are some of the things you do for self-care and have you been scheduling time or is it hard to do? 

Published by Sandra B. Grier

Welcome to My Website! Here you will find a combination of parenting, tasty recipes, fashion & lifestyle, inspiration and homeshooling. I am a wife, mom of two and made the best decision of my life to resign as a former corporate senior director and now a stay at home mom or as I am known at home as CEO of Household Affairs.

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